Description of Services
Below you can read more in depth about the services offered at Recovery Quest Counseling.
FOR BOOKING SERVICES: Please text or email Mila
Brain Spotting Therapy
Brain Spotting is a neuropathic therapy similar to EMDR, during which the therapist helps the client find a "brainspot" within their visual field, guiding the person "to process the sources of trauma and distress in the body," according to David Grand, Pd.D. (Developer of Brain Spotting). This is a gentle but highly affective therapy for treating trauma, stress, anxiety, cravings, etc., by accessing the "deep brain" (or "lizard brain"). Clients often describe this service as "accessing a portal" that they did not know existed, to release the pain that no longer serves them.
Addiction Counseling
Addiction counseling takes a deep dive into the relationship between the client and their substance use/ or behavioral addiction. This evidence-based practice helps people to identify and address any harmful self-medicating or self-soothing behaviors affecting their life. This consists of developing an individualized plan for your recovery goals; learning the skills needed to reach your goals for recovery; working to modify thought processes, emotional reactions, and harmful behaviors; and to manage stress, cravings, triggers, and high risk situations.
Family Sessions, &/OR Family Crisis Consulting
Family work is a collaborative approach between family member(s) and Counselor to develop, and maintain, healthy and functional relationships. Addiction, Mental Health, Trauma, (etc.) do not only affect one person, it affects the whole family, as well as the family dynamics. Everyone's experience matters, and family counseling allows for people to be heard, while the Counselor offers mediation and skills to address any problems or crisis within the family relationships. This approach helps families to develop coping strategies, to address communication gaps, problem-solve, and to reintroduce the bond and love between family members. Recovery Quest Counseling uses the evidence-based skills from the Community Reinforcement Approach and Family Training ("CRAFT") model to assist families in their recovery journey.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)
DBT is one of the most effective forms of therapy for treating Substance use, Mental health, and Behavioral disorders. It is a form of therapy, derived from the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy model, and teaches people tangible skills for decreasing and tolerating distress, anxiety, and other triggers; regulating and managing emotions; building self-awareness of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors; and improving interpersonal effectiveness in relationships with others. Recovery Quest Counseling highly recommends DBT for most clients, and uses this form of therapy in conjunction with other approaches for a highly successful treatment model. Ask about our 10-week DBT track for recovery!
Parent Coaching & The "CRAFT" Model
Recovery Quest Counseling offers individual family coaching specifically designed to help parents whose children (of any age) struggle with Substance use, Mental health, or Behavioral issues, using the Community Reinforcement Approach and Family Training model. Many parents find that accessing individual coaching can be most supportive for reaching their goals. The "CRAFT" model is a form of therapeutic intervention focusing on skills to guide concerned family members/ parents in helping their loved one(s) reach recovery. The CRAFT approach is evidence-based, with a 70% success rate for assisting family members in getting their loved one to engage in treatment. This model provides education on Substance use disorders/ and Mental health, and teaches skills for improved communication and interpersonal effectiveness, positive reinforcement, de-escalation, boundary setting and consequences, as well as natural consequences for behaviors, inviting to treatment, relapse prevention, treating trauma, and teaches the difference between enabling VS supporting.
Acupuncture & Reiki
Acupuncture-Detoxification is an evidence-based acupuncture protocol, targeting 5 points in the ear. Also known as "Acu-detox," this treatment works by balancing the nervous systems to support relaxation; to decrease stress, anxiety and cravings; to lessen withdrawal symptoms, physical pain and discomfort in the body; release negative energy/ "chi" and detox the body; and to promote both sleep AND energy, depending on what your body needs! Acu-detox is so effective that groups of specialists are funded to travel around the world to provide these treatments to survivors of natural disasters and traumatic events (ie a hurricane, or school shootings).
Reiki is another highly effective Holistic approach - The word "Reiki" is derived of 2 Japanese words: "Rei" meaning "God's Wisdom," and "Ki" referring to "Life's energy force." It can be described as a gentle form of energy healing, during which the Practitioner uses their hands to help move and release negative or stuck energy in the body to decrease symptoms such as stress, anxiety, cravings, physical pain or sickness, etc.. Reiki is said to also deliver positive energy to your body, improving the balance and flow of the energy, to support healing.
Many clients find these treatments beneficial in conjunction with therapeutic approaches.